Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Set the Sun Identity Manager Repository

  • Flat File.
lh setRepo -tLocalFiles –fC:\Repository

  • DB2.
lh setRepo -tDB2 -ujdbc:db2://host:port/idm -jcom.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
-Uuser -Ppassword

lh setRepo –tDB2 –ujdbc:db2://host:port/idm –Uuser -Ppassword

  • DB2 WebLogic DataSource - credentials set in WebLogic DataSource
lh setRepo -v -tDB2 -iweblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory -fjdbc/idm -ut3://host:port/
lh setRepo -c –v
Defaulting administrator to 'configurator'.
Defaulting credentials to 'configurator'.
Enter password for configurator:
Getting current location....
Current Location is 'DB2DataStore:jdbc/idm'
userid is 'null'
password is '(not set)'
jdbcDriver is 'null'

  • DataSource verification.  In the Application Server remove the DataSource from the Sun Identity Manager Application (Target).  Subsequent Sun Identity Manager failure confirms Sun Identity Manager DataSource connectivity.  

  • MySQL
lh setRepo –tMysql –ujdbc:mysql:/localhost/waveset

  • Oracle
lh setrepo –toracle –u jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:idm -Uuser

1 comment:

  1. If changing the repository, you ll need to re-create ServerProperty.xml file as well.
