Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to Install OpenDJ in Command line

How To install OpenDJ


1. Download and copy the “OpenDJ-2.5.0-Xpress1” to server location home/Ubuntu (Make sure jdk1.6 already installed)
2. Setup script is there. Need to run that script in silent mode (command line)
3. Chnage the owner ship of Ubuntu user for all script and folder.
 Chown –R Ubuntu:Ubuntu / OpenDJ-2.5.0-Xpress1/*
4.$ ./setup --cli
This license applies to this copy of ForgeRock's Open Identity Stack software,
which includes OpenAM, OpenIDM and OpenDJ software, when used for development
or testing purposes.  To obtain a license to use the Open Identity Stack under
conditions other than for testing or development purposes please contact
ForgeRock at
If you intend to or do use the ForgeRock Product only for the purposes of
developing, testing, prototyping and/or demonstrating your application, then
ForgeRock grants you a nonexclusive, nontransferable, limited license to use
the ForgeRock Product only for those purposes, and not for any other purpose.
In such case, the ForgeRock product is made available to you AS IS and without
warranty of any kind. ForgeRock may audit your use of the ForgeRock Product for
compliance with these terms and confirmation that a commercial or production
license is not required.

 If you intend to or do use the application you develop for any commercial,
production or other purpose not permitted by the previous paragraph, you must
enter into a ForgeRock Software License and Subscription Agreement, pay the
associated Fees, and comply with all terms and conditions of that Agreement.

Please read the License Agreement above.

You must accept the terms of the agreement before continuing with the

Accept the license (Yes/No) [No]:yes

 OpenDJ 2.5.0-Xpress1

Please wait while the setup program initializes...

 What would you like to use as the initial root user DN for the Directory

Server? [cn=Directory Manager]:cn=Directory Manager

Please provide the password to use for the initial root user:*******

Please re-enter the password for confirmation:********

 Provide the fully-qualified directory server host name that will be used when

generating self-signed certificates for LDAP SSL/StartTLS, the administration

connector, and replication [localhost]

 On which port would you like the Directory Server to accept connections from

LDAP clients? [1389]: 1389

On which port would you like the Administration Connector to accept

connections? [4444]: 4444

Do you want to create base DNs in the server? (yes / no) [yes]: yes

Provide the base DN for the directory data: dc=test,dc=com

Options for populating the database:

    1)  Only create the base entry

    2)  Leave the database empty

    3)  Import data from an LDIF file

    4)  Load automatically-generated sample data

Enter choice [1]: 1

Do you want to enable SSL? (yes / no) [no]: yes

On which port would you like the Directory Server to accept connections from
LDAPS clients? [1636]: 1636

Do you want to enable Start TLS? (yes / no) [no]: no
Certificate server options:

    1)  Generate self-signed certificate (recommended for testing purposes

    2)  Use an existing certificate located on a Java Key Store (JKS)

    3)  Use an existing certificate located on a JCEKS key store
    4)  Use an existing certificate located on a PKCS#12 key store
    5)  Use an existing certificate on a PKCS#11 token

Enter choice [1]: 1

Do you want to start the server when the configuration is completed? (yes /

no) [yes]: no

Setup Summary


LDAP Listener Port:            1389

Administration Connector Port: 4444

LDAP Secure Access:            Enable StartTLS

                               Enable SSL on LDAP Port 1636

                               Create a new Self-Signed Certificate

Root User DN:                  cn=Directory Manager

Directory Data:                Create New Base DN dc=test,dc=com.

Base DN Data: Only Create Base Entry (dc=test,dc=com)

Do not start Server when the configuration is completed

What would you like to do?

    1)  Set up the server with the parameters above

    2)  Provide the setup parameters again

    3)  Print equivalent non-interactive command-line

    4)  Cancel and exit

Enter choice [1]: 3

Equivalent non-interactive command-line to setup server:

/home/ubuntu/opendj/setup \

          --cli \

          --baseDN dc=weh,dc=com \

          --addBaseEntry \

          --ldapPort 1389 \

          --adminConnectorPort 4444 \

          --rootUserDN cn=Directory\ Manager \

          --rootUserPassword ****** \

          --doNotStart \

          --enableStartTLS \

          --ldapsPort 1636 \

          --generateSelfSignedCertificate \

          --hostName localhost \

          --no-prompt \


What would you like to do?

    1)  Set up the server with the parameters above

    2)  Provide the setup parameters again

    3)  Print equivalent non-interactive command-line

    4)  Cancel and exit

Enter choice [1]: 1

See /tmp/opendj-setup-4473936405937455953.log for a detailed log of this operation.


Configuring Directory Server ..... Done.

Configuring Certificates ..... Done.

Creating Base Entry dc=test,dc=com ..... Done.

To see basic server configuration status and configuration you can launch /home/ubuntu/opendj/bin/status

5.Now You can check LDAP status from admin console or you can connect with any LDAP browser.