Resetting the "admin" Password in Sun Java System Directory Server
Provided you still have the Directory Manager password, you can perform the following steps to reset the admin password for Sun Java System Directory Server:
1. Either obtain a Slated Secured Hashing Algorithm (SSHA)-encoded string for a known password from elsewhere, or else generate a new one by running the following getpwenc command:
~$ getpwenc SSHA topsecret
2. Then run the following command:
$ ldapmodify -h {HOST} -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w {DIRMGR_PW}
dn: uid=admin, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement,
changetype: modify
replace: userpassword
userpassword: {SSHA}38qz690lee+Bi6t8ypKbOwqOG1zxPKURR3LiMQ==
modifying entry "uid=admin, ou=Administrators, ou=TopologyManagement,
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