Sunday, October 9, 2011

Directory Server Indexing

Directory Server Indexing
As part of the setup and configuration of the Solaris™ Directory Extensions for the
iPlanet™ Directory Server (iPlanet Directory Server) to support the native
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) implementation in the Solaris™ 8
Operating Environment (Solaris OE), performance tuning adjustments are
recommended as best practices. This article discusses some of those tuning options
with explanations about what they do and why they are important.
Directory Tuning Overview
Tuning a directory is much like tuning a database. That is, you want to create a
database cache large enough to prevent repeated disk access and you want to create
indexes for frequently accessed data searches. You can determine the need for larger
database caches when your server starts experiencing excessive paging or swapping.
However, the effect of a poorly indexed directory is not always obvious. Often what
you will experience is subtle like longer than expected delays during searches and
update operations.
The key to proper indexing is knowing what type of searches are most likely to
occur. If you are unsure of what search types are most frequent, you can examine the
directory access log to find out which attributes are being accessed on a regular basis
after the directory is placed into production. However, it is a better practice to create
the indexes before the server is placed into production instead of waiting for
performance problems to occur. Since the type of searches the Solaris OE naming
service is likely to perform can be anticipated, appropriate indexes can and should
be created in advance.
The attributes listed in this article are good candidates for indexing. While you could
just follow the recommended procedures provided in this article, it is worthwhile to
understand what you are indexing and why, since additional fine-tuning may be
required. Therefore, both procedures and explanations are provided.
2 Directory Server Indexing • November 2000
Closely related to attribute indexing is Virtual List View (VLV) indexing, which is a
required feature of any directory server that will be configured to support Solaris OE
LDAP clients. The VLV is also referred to as a browse index and facilitates browsing
through a large number of directory entries. Since the mechanism for creating VLVs
is quite different than the procedure for creating attribute indexing, they are
discussed separately.
The Search Algorithm
Before you can appreciate the role indexing plays, you need to understand how the
directory server performs searching. Search requests are sent by an LDAP client,
which specifies where to start looking in the directory, a search filter, and an optional
list of attribute values to retrieve. For example, a search might start at the container
ou=People with a search filter of uid=username and a requested attribute value
of userpassword. When the server receives the request, the first thing it does is
check to see if an index exists which matches the search filter, for example uid=.
If an index that matches uid= exists, then a list of candidate entries are retrieved.
In this case, the attribute, uid is unique within the directory, so only one entry is
If an index that matches the search filter does not exist, then the directory server
searches all the entries in the database, examining each one to see if it meets the
search criteria. This obviously requires much more work and can be a lengthy
process. The process can take even longer if multiple search filters are specified and
those searches are not indexed.
Not only is it necessary to know which attributes are likely to be searched, it is
important to know what type of searches will be performed. The next section
explains what those types are and the relative resource cost of deploying them.
While you may be tempted to simply index every attribute with every type of
indexing, you need to be aware of what the effect of resource consumption will be.
Types of Indexes
Indexes are created on a per attribute basis and are stored in a file bearing the
attribute’s name, for example, uid.db. This file can contain multiple types of
indexes which search for the following:
n Presence Index (pres)—Looks for all entries that contain a certain attribute.
n Equality Index (eq)—Requires an exact match on an attribute value.
Types of Indexes 3
n Approximate Index (approx)—Uses the common name (cn=) attribute for
sound-like searches.
n Substring Index (sub)—Specifies only a portion of a desired string.
The pres and eq types are the most common since you may often want to know
which entries contain a particular attribute and which attributes contain a particular
value. The approx index type is not used by the Solaris OE LDAP client but is used
in applications like address books. The sub index type is used by the Solaris OE
LDAP client to help speed up searches that only specify a portion of a domain name.
For example, you could search for the domain east, instead of specifying the full
name of TABLE 1 lists which attributes should be indexed and what
their index types are.
The number of indexed attributes may seem excessive, but it doesn’t cost you much
in terms of resources to maintain them. The Section, “Cost of Indexing,” on page 7,
discusses the costs associated with maintaining indexes.
TABLE 1 Solaris Indexed Attributes and Types
Attribute pres eq sub approx
uid X X
uidnumber X X
gidnumber X X
ipHostNumber X X
ipNetworkNumber X X
ipProtocolNumber X X
macAddress X X
oncRpcNumber X X
ipServiceProtocol X X
ipServicePort X X
nisDomain X X
nisMapName X X
mail X X
memberuid X X
membernisnetgroup X X X
nisnetgrouptriple X X X
4 Directory Server Indexing • November 2000
How Indexes are Created
Indexes are files that get created in the install_dir/slapd-instance/db directory, or in
the directory where the db directory has been relocated to. As mentioned earlier,
these files can contain multiple types of indexing. Several system and default
indexes get created automatically when you install the iPlanet Directory Server
The system indexes are:
n aci.db
n changenumber.db
n copiedfrom.db
n dncomp.db
n objectclass.db
n entrydn.db
n parentid,db
n numsubordinates.db
The default indexes include:
n cn.db
n givenName.db
n sn.db2
n member.db2
n telephoneNumber.db2
n mailHost.db
n owner.db
Please note that the *.db2 files do not get created until an attribute is specified in an
entry. If you set up indexes before you import NIS data, you will not see these files
initially. Once the first entry is imported, the files will appear.
Indexes can be created in two ways:
1. From the Directory Console
2. From the command line
While the iPlanet Directory Console is the easiest method, the command line method
is useful for creating automated scripts. Both methods are discussed in the following
How Indexes are Created 5
Creating Indexes From the iPlanet Directory
The easiest way to create indexes is through the Directory Console. You must be
logged in as Directory Manager to create indexes. Once logged in, go to the
Configuration tab and highlight Database in the left pane. In the right pane, under
the Indexes tab you will see a list of attributes and their types as shown here:
Click the Add attribute... button to choose the attribute you want to index. Make
sure you have already added the Solaris OE naming service attributes to the
slapd.user_at.conf file or else they will not appear. After you choose an
attribute, check the type(s) of indexing you want to create. After you click the Save
button, the index is created.
The Directory Console automatically performs a two-step process. The first step is to
add a line to the database configuration file slapd.ldbm.conf followed by the
creation of the index files. After the configuration file is modified, restart the server
so the changes will take effect. If there are only a few changes, or no entries
containing the indexed attributes, the process will happen very quickly.
The same steps performed in the Directory Console can also be done through the
command line as described in the next section.
Creating Indexes From the Command Line
While the iPlanet Directory Console may be easier to use for a novice, adding
indexing from the command line has certain advantages. You can create scripts to
automatically set up indexing which is repeatable and reuseable. The following steps
are required to create indexes from the command line.
6 Directory Server Indexing • November 2000
1. Edit the slapd.ldbm.conf file.
Add the new lines specifying attributes and indexing types as shown in the
following example, then restart the server.
2. Run the ns-slapd command with the db2index option.
You can run the ns-slapd db2index command either with the server running or
stopped. If you issue the command with the server running you need to place it
in read-only mode. Indexes are created faster if the server is stopped, so this may
be preferable.
Note – When setting up the Solaris OE LDAP naming service, it is best to create
your indexes before any data is loaded. If there is a large amount of entries
containing the attributes you are indexing, then running db2index will be slow,
especially if the server is running.
Once indexes are set up, they will automatically be updated as entries are added or
deleted. However, adding or deleting entries which contain indexed attributes will
take longer as described in the next section.
root# vi slapd.ldbm.conf
index pipuid pres,eq,sub
index seeAlso eq
index sn pres,eq,sub
index telephoneNumber pres,eq,sub
index uid pres,eq
index uidnumber pres,eq
index uniquemember eq
index userpassword pres,eq
root# stop-slapd
root# start-slapd
root# ns-slapd db2index -f install-dir/slapd-instance \ /config/
slapd.conf -t uid:eq,pres,sub
Cost of Indexing 7
Cost of Indexing
Indexing is an effective way to substantially increase search speeds, but it does come
at a cost. There are two types of cost. One is the additional memory the index takes
up and the other is the increase in the amount of time it takes to update entries. The
size of your index cache can easily reach or exceed the size of your entry cache and
updates can take an order of magnitude longer if excessive indexing is deployed.
Each entry in an equality index consists of an attribute value and the entry ID
associated with the entry containing that attribute. As more equality index attributes
are added, the larger the total index cache becomes. However, since you are only
indexing some of the attributes, the effect is lessened. If you already use equality
indexing, then the added overhead of presence indexing is minimal. Substring
indexing stores several permutations of each string value and can get quite large if
the strings are long, thus using more memory.
The second cost associated with indexing is the write or update speed. Every time an
entry with an indexed value is added, modified, or deleted, the index file needs to be
regenerated. If an entry has multiple indexed values, then multiple files need to be
updated. Also, if substring indexing is used the system needs to calculate all the
possible substring values, which is very compute intensive. Abnormally long delete
times can occur if the entries being removed have indexed values, since the index
files will need to be regenerated.
Fortunately, Solaris OE naming service data does not get updated frequently. Once
the directory is populated with your current NIS data, updates should be minimal.
In most cases, the increased search speed outweighs the disadvantage of longer
write speeds.
Virtual List Views
A Virtual List View (VLV), or browsing list, is used to increase the efficiency of
displaying large numbers of entries. Instead of sending a client unsorted entries, the
server presorts the entries before they are sent. This makes it easier for the client to
page through the returned entries. The iPlanet Directory Console makes use of VLVs
for displaying containers which have several hundred or even thousands of entries
in them. The Solaris OE LDAP client also makes use of VLVs for displaying large
amounts of information such as all the user account entries on the server.
8 Directory Server Indexing • November 2000
When used with the Directory Console, the VLV can be created easily from the GUI.
However, the Solaris LDAP client has different requirements, so the VLVs must be
created from the command line by importing an LDAP Data Interchange Format
(LDIF) file. To understand the syntax of the required LDIF, it helps to know a little
about how VLVs are implemented in the iPlanet Directory Server which is discussed
VLV Implementation
The VLV mechanism is implemented as a control in the iPlanet Directory Server.
Clients wishing to use this mechanism do so by accessing the VLV control. To do
this, the client must have permission to access it.
Note – By default, the VLV control does not grant anonymous access. Since the
Solaris OE LDAP client requires an anonymous bind during initialization, the ACI
for the VLV control must be modified.
Through the VLV control, the client has access to two object classes: vlvSearch and
vlvIndex. The vlvSearch object class specifies the result set of the search and the
vlvIndex object class specifies how the returned result set is sorted. This is done
through the vlvSort attribute.
Creating a VLV requires a pair of entries which include the vlvSearch and
vlvIndex object classes. The vlvSearch entry includes a search base and the
vlvFilter attribute which specifies the object class that contains the attribute(s)
you intend to sort. The vlvIndex object class includes the vlvSort attribute which
specifies one or more attributes to sort and in which order to sort them (a minus “-”
sign denotes reverse order).
The following is an example of the LDIF which creates the getpwent VLV index
that is used by the Solaris OE LDAP client when retrieving a list of user login IDs or
common names. The entries are always stored in the directory information tree
(DIT) under cn=config,cn=ldbm and must each be given a unique name. The
vlvBase is an attribute which reflects where your naming service data is stored
and varies depending on your configuration.
Virtual List Views 9
Note – The distinguished name (DN) given to the vlvIndex entry is confusing
since it also contains the component cn=getpwent. However, this is the naming
convention chosen and it must be adhered to.
TABLE 2 lists the other VLV indexes recommended along with the changes to the
search base, filter, and attributes to be sorted on.
After you create an LDIF file with the information provided in TABLE 2, you need to
import it into your directory server, it assumes the LDIF file name of vlv.ldif (see
example here).
dn: cn=getpwent,cn=config,cn=ldbm
objectclass: top
objectclass: vlvSearch
cn: getpwent
vlvBase: ou=people,dc=blueprints,dc=com
vlvScope: 1
vlvFilter: (objectclass=posixAccount)
aci: (target="ldap:///
(version 3.0; acl
dn: cn=getpwent,cn=getpwent,cn=config,cn=ldbm
cn: getpwent
vlvSort: cn uid
objectclass: top
objectclass: vlvIndex
TABLE 2 Solaris OE LDAP Client VLV Indexes
VLV Name Search Base: Filter on: Sort on:
getpwent ou=people posixAccount cn.uid
getgrent ou=group posixGroup cn,gidNumber
gethostent ou=hosts ipHost cn,ipHostNumber
getnetent ou=networks ipNetwork cn,ipNetworkNumber
getspent ou=people posixAccount cn,uidNumber
# ldapmodify -a -D “cn=Directory Manager” -w password -f vlv.ldif
10 Directory Server Indexing • November 2000
Once the VLV indexes are added to the directory, you still need to enable them
before they can be used. To do this, run the vlvindex command as shown here.
Since it is always a good practice to verify that the VLV indexes have been defined,
run the ldapsearch command and observe the vlvsearch lines as shown here.
You should also observe the creation of the new db files.
Viewing Index Activity
The iPlanet Directory Console provides a convenient way to monitor the database
cache activity. Cumulative statistics are displayed which show how often the indexes
have been accessed and what the cache hit ratio is. Once the caches are full, you
should see close to a 100% hit ratio with no pages being written out. If you do not,
# install-dir/slapd-instance/vlvindex getpwent
# install-dir/slapd-instance/vlvindex getgrent
# install-dir/slapd-instance/vlvindex gethostent
# install-dir/slapd-instance/vlvindex getnetent
# install-dir/slapd-instance/vlvindex getspent
# ldapsearch -s base -b "" objectclass=\*
. . .
vlvsearch: cn=getspent,cn=config,cn=ldbm
vlvsearch: cn=getpwent,cn=config,cn=ldbm
vlvsearch: cn=getnetent,cn=config,cn=ldbm
vlvsearch: cn=gethostent,cn=config,cn=ldbm
vlvsearch: cn=getgrent,cn=config,cn=ldbm
. . .
# cd install-dir slapd-instance/db
# ls -l | grep vlv
-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 16384 Sep 8 10:07 vlv#gethostent.db2
-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 16384 Sep 8 10:07 vlv#getgrent.db2
-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 16384 Sep 8 10:07 vlv#getnetent.db2
-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 16384 Sep 8 10:07 vlv#getpwent.db2
-rw------- 1 nobody nobody 16384 Sep 8 10:07 vlv#getspent.db2
Conclusion 11
this could be an indication that the database cache is too small and should be
enlarged. Little or no activity on an index is an indication that the index is not
being used and it may be a candidate for removal.
You can view the following screen by going to the Status-—>Performance
Counters>Database tab in the Directory Console. Only a portion of the screen
is shown here and it displays three of the VLV indexes that were created. Since
this was taken just after the VLV indexes were created, there is no current activity.
Indexing plays an important role in optimizing the performance of your directory
server. Both types of indexing discussed in this article, attribute and VLV, should be
deployed when configuring a directory server to support the native LDAP naming
service which is included in the Solaris 8 OE.
After indexes are created you should always verify that they were configured
correctly by examining the DIT and verifying that the associated index files were
created. Since it is not always obvious that a poorly indexed server is the root cause
of a performance problem, careful monitoring is also recommended.

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