Monday, September 19, 2011

. I'd like to turn off the workflow diagram generation from the form when a user changes their password. How do I do this?

If you add form.setSuppressReports(true); inside the appropriate .jsp file(s) it does not post the workflow editor.

For the User
try block in lighthouse/user/changePasswordResults.jsp

If you wish to do this for the administrator pages as well, edit the lighthouse/task/results.jsp file and place the same thing inside of the first try block there. The most common places this occurs are:

createResults.jsp should be changed when you are trying to surpress the diagram from a Lighthouse Admin Create User action.

taskResults.jsp should be changed when using a custom workflow that is launched from a link or the runTask page

account/resourceReprovisionResults.jsp should be changed if admins are updating users and want to hide this diagram

Essentially, whatever result page is displaying the diagram to be suppressed should be updated. The following pages can be changed to effect the diagram in other sequences:


Some of these will require a different object than the form object. For example the task/taskResults.jsp requires this:

Where rp is the TaskResults object.

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